Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The class was fun but with some activities I got bored because we kept  doing it over and over.I need to say these class was the most hard working in the sixth grade because of Mrs. Hinojosa. Mrs. you can be fun but strict at the same time. So if a kid reads these be careful. I don't think you should change anything here because it is cool like these and if you do we are not going to be hearer to see it. Mrs. I just want the other kids to behave the way we behaved. So good luck. But I liked everithing!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Playing  rags to riches. Playing the game relly helped me because it helpes my get brain juice. The brain juice will help me remember. And thats how I will pass the test.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I think that sending a blind copy is not wrong but if it is some some thing  inportant like from your boss and you dont now from who it is. Carbo is safe because you now who send you the messege.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The best activity was when I opened my presents. Why because I got cool new things.